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Algol #1

Dillon Dark, a college student and librarian at W.E.I.R.D. a paramilitary monster fighting outfit, has been reassigned to the field of battle. Now, a super-soldier who was only trained by books gets thrown into the fray and ends up teaming up with the local monster hunters while sinister machinations from both monsters and W.E.I.R.D. threaten to make this a very bad freshman year.

Jazz Florence

Magazine Type Comic
Full Color
Page Count: 24


W.E.I.R.D., World Extranormal Investigations Research and Defense Division is a global paramilitary outfit dedicated to fighting supernatural and alien creatures that threaten innocent lives. The child of W.E.I.R.D. commander Nicole Dark, Dillon Dark is a college student and a former librarian thrust onto the field of battle. When Dillon comes into contact with the Demon Hunter, Pepper Estival and the mysterious vampire Prosperina with whom Dillon shares a strange connection, everything about who they are and what they do comes into question. Who watches the watchmen? Who hunts the hunters?

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