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Gaelic Pyre #2

Janus-241 wakes to find her missing mother standing above her, and begins to explain that the life she lives is a lie, created by a computerized intelligence. By delving into a past era, she reveals how the two warriors Wulfgar Mac Lir and Ronaku Osoku forged a blood bond in the quest to save the captured Faerie Princess Aine, which bears a mysterious link to the present threat caused by the choices made in this Dystopian/Utopian world.

P. Skylar Owens, Art Werx, Jennyrae Shunex

Standard Comic
Full Color
Page Count: 28

When the calm life of Janus-241, child prodigy, programmer and chronicler, is disrupted by the return of her long deceased mother, the embers of chaos are fanned, opening the doors to a great mystery and the quest of two savage warriors from the past. The governing A.I. activates the necessary protocol to deal with the threat, revealing a sinister objective for the main players. Can the girl discover the truth behind the conflicts?

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