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Genius J’s Second Quasi-Decennial Almanack of Graphical Wonderment

In this series of substantial tomes, ye shall find a spectacular variety of stories to shock, fright, confound and delight! Tall tales are woven of love! War! Life! Death! Science and its Fiction! Westerns! Monsters! Magicks! Mystery! And other such silly nonsense! There is Something for Everyone and Nothing for No-one, and each book makes an excellent Lining for all manner of Gilded Cage containing Fowl or other Winged Creatures.

James Andrew Clark, Chris Maze, Enzo Pertile, Jim Byrt, Edgar Arce, V. Shane, Thomas Mauer, David Ocampo, Rich Leazer

Standard Sized Trade Paperback
Full Color
Page Count: 24

An exorcism goes wrong, and a little girl sets it right. A gunfighting lass goes to investigate a ghost town in the old west. Medieval knights battle a horde of zombies. A war rages between mankind and robots. Fantastic fictions and incredible tales await you in this collection of short stories from some of the best creators in comics today!

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