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Poverty Pack #10

Willie is missing! He just vanished into thin air and suddenly the mysterious URAQT appears.

Ted Shambaris, Andrew Carr, Evelyn Carr 

Standard Comic
Full Color
Page Count: 24

The Poverty Pack must solve the mystery of where Willie went to and how to get him back. And who exactly is URAQT? Spoiler! Her name is Jakki, but that’s established on the first page. Relax. And what is lurking in the shadows of the virtual world, pooping rainbow crap everywhere? Check out the Poverty Pack in Cheaper Things!

A bunch of B Grade superheroes come together to form a superteam, but lack a billionaire to help fund them. What’s a superhero to do? They gotta eat sometime. Now these wannabes have to get jobs or get in the unemployment line to help pay for their crime-fighting careers.

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