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Trinity Junction #2

As the fire demon, Calamity Clem, rages throughout the town of Hanson Spring, Marshals McClintock and Tawna try to avert the rampage with the hesitant aid of Colonel Remington and the third Calvary. Yet, outside forces ride on a mission to aid the young marshals. But what role will William Jacob Thundercloud play?

Preston S. Owens, Art Werx, Rhoda Horse

Standard Comic
Full Color
Page Count: 28

In a parallel plane of existence, magic and mysticism meet in a world that has an American Western setting, where Elves, Faeries, Trolls, Goblins, and other beings struggle to survive, despite obvious differences. Law and order must be maintained and with the specially trained Rangers of the United Territories, there are many dangers to confront. This is the tale of two extraordinary elves, Marshals Cinnamon McClintock and Tawna as they bring law to the lawless.

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