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A Deviant Mind Vol 9

Kidnapped! Snatched from within the very safety of House Waniokai, surrounded by aides, Their Majesties Najimi and Banara and their assistant Hy’Kri G’Zele find themselves on the threshold of an ancient portal on an alien world!

Pam Harrison

Standard Sized Trade Paperback
Full Color
Page Count: 170

After an explosive parting of ways with Chess, CheckMate has taken matters into her own hands and spirited the last ChessMasters of House Waniokai into her possession. Whether for good or ill remains to be seen. The sudden departure of the crowns of Waniokai leaves countless lives in the balance, and the planet Hasta IV on the brink of war with the confederation. Checkmate charges our heroines with an impossible quest as she abandons them in this ruined, forsaken Ghostland: Find clues to the past to activate the portal home and claim their Chessmaster’s Legacy.

Tara awakens in a regeneration tube with no recollection of who she is and where she comes from. The insidious truth behind Tara’s amnesia is, she has a secret that makes her worth hunting–and it’s far more terrible than anyone could have ever imagined. Does Tara ever find the secrets of her past? Follow the adventure here, and learn what haunting, dark secrets lie deep within A Deviant Mind.

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