Independent Comics Superstore

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All Fun British Funnies

Bob Wilken, Dennis Reader, Clyde Lamb, S.M. Iger, Mickey Owens, Art Helfant, Dennis Gifford, Basil Reynolds, Bob Smart

Standard Sized Trade Paperback
Black & White
Page Count: 100

British comic favorites like The Looney Family, Norman Nib, Ally Sloper, Prof. Crackpot, Boarding House Bertha, Poor Old Pop, Dicky Bither, Iron Boy, Moko the Monk, Richard Richard, Katsmeat, Teapot Tilley, Stoogie, Goosey the Ghost, Bunty’s Baby, Super Pork, TNT Tom, Sporty, Tish & Tosh, Molly the Maid, and The Comic Army!

A collection of various Golden Age comic strips from across the pond.

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