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Audio Mixer’s Secret Handbook

Volume 1 Live Audio

Mark Edward Lewis

Manga Sized Trade Paperback
Black & White
Page Count: 236

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This Volume focuses on the needs of the Live Audio Mixer. The live sound reinforcement scenario being acutely different from any other mixing situation (studio or using samples), this is the first in the series of Secret Handbooks.

Audio Mixer''s Handbook, Live Audio ALchemy is the perfect companion for the new or even experienced Live Audio Mixer. This booklet contains hundreds of Real World Solutions for the most common problems that mixers face from personnel problems to equipment issues including mixing balance, compression, equalization and placement issues. This booklet isn''t filled with high-flying theories or head knowledge, it focuses on practical applications and how to get your mixes to turn heads in as little time as possible. The secrets, known by few, that can turn your hard coal mixes into gold are revealed inside this volume. Use them to the fullest, and your employers will want you back again and again. the first section of Volume 1 includes a lightning fast “troubleshooting” guide alphabetized by Crisis that will cure nearly all of the problems that arise before, during and after a mix. This section alone will have you looking like a pro when you start solving problems that no one else can!

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