Independent Comics Superstore

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Comic Shop Of Horrors #2

The bad girls are at it again! The mysterious thief who steals artifacts from researchers and museums and returns them to their culture of origin, Kivuli, is back on the scene in Scarecrow and it looks like she’s recruiting! A teenager, Devil Baker finds themselves suddenly developing magical hormones and pheromones and looks for revenge against their school but has to contend with magical men in black called W.E.I.R.D.! Bantam Conner finds herself poised to inherit the villainous empire of Lady Nightshade! Soulflare and her frenemy Sheclipse go out for a night on the town, but it might be up to Sheclipse to save her arch nemesis and the city from impending doom!

Jazz Florence

Magazine Type Comic
Full Color
Page Count: 44


Joshea Robin King, a shaman, and Bantam Conner, a genius mechanic, work at the Power Comics comic shop while moonlighting as the superheroes Soulflare and Sundance Kid. Joined by Robin’s half-ghost cousin, Phantomique, her dhampir girlfriend Sunny Graves and Sunny’s twin brother Ash Graves, they fight to protect the city of Scarecrow from supernatural disaster.

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