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Gospelman Adventures #4

Gospelman finds himself wearing thin, but Bible-Boy is there to kick him back into action – by doing his daily devotional reading in God’s Word! Gospelman tells us a kids’ safe version of how he came to Christ and became the Gospelman! Set in the future, Gospelman is whisked away by a mysterious portal during a showdown with his arch-nemesis! 

William Boyer

Standard Comic
Full Color
Page Count: 32


After the tragic death of his sister, single mom Rachel, Ted Silverman adopts his nephew Cody. Unbeknownst to him, he was about to have a divine appointment! His life now forever changed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, he vows to become the Gospelman so that he might help Jesus save some! The book also contains lighthearted Gospelman gag-a-day strips, two coloring pages, a Bible study for older readers about the story’s main topic, a letters page, and fan art.

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