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Pink Hammer #2

Tasha Brown is the current recipient of The Crimson Spirit Force. She’s an everyday girl with a heart of gold and doesn’t realize she controls one of the most powerful weapons in the universe but there are other inter-powerful beings who realize what she has and they want it.

Terance Baker

Standard Comic
Full Color
Page Count: 36

The Entity is a powerful cosmic being who wants control of The Crimson Spirit Force, he has landed on Earth and has corrupted The Pink Hammer for his own demonic intentions. Tasha Brown as The Pink Hammer is transformed by The Entity into his servant to enforce his evil will on planet Earth. She becomes even more powerful as she is enhanced by the Dark Force of Power that the Entity controls and is transformed into The Dark Hammer. The Heroes of Earth do not realize Pink Hammer is under a hypnotic spell and they are forced to battle her on an epic chaotic scale.

Tasha Brown is the current recipient of The Crimson Spirit Force. She’s an everyday girl with a heart of gold and doesn’t realize she controls one of the most powerful weapons in the universe but there are other inter-powerful beings who realize what she has and they want it.

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