1 review for The Maroon #14
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Cursed to be the destroyer of man by the Stikini – a coven of witches – a maroon known as Isaiah wants nothing but peace and solitude as he traverses the challenging racial climate of 1850’s U.S.!
Derek W. Lipscomb
Standard Comic
Full Color
Page Count: 28
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Attempting to balance his personal relationship with his estranged step-daughter with his obsession with hunting the Maroon, Hinton starts to assemble the local Buncombe hunters in order to execute his plan. Meanwhile, Malatche realizes that he must rid the Black Mountain of the mysterious creature that has pursued him, and tracks him down to his lair. Will both men get what they want? Or will it be far more than they bargained for?
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SpencerSHolmes (verified owner) –
The Creature of the Frozen Cave
The Maroon issue 14 continues the journey into fray of darkness, with a murderous creature of a frozen cave our hero has ventured into. And then we take a trip farther back in time to learn some interesting facts of the man our main villain used to be.
A page turner once again that is thicker than you’d expect any single issue to be. Justing making me want issue 15 that much more now. Come grab yourself one of the best reads in comics.
Spencer Scott Holmes
That “Pizza Boyz”, Indie Comix Club and Old Man Orange Podcast guy.