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Jeremy Scott,Anthony Pugh, Rosa Devine, Juan Carlos Quattordio, Adrian Bago Gonzalez, Lautaro Capristo
Standard Comic
Black & White
Page Count: 20
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Four stories: A macabre Dark Ages tale. An anti-bullying story. A surrealist love story. An action-packed battle of mutated beasts. FIRST ISSUE! VAST EXPANSE #1 is a multi-genre anthology with the following four stories: A Muslim philosopher travels with his companion through France during the Dark Ages in THE HORROR AT TOURNUS. They encounter a street vendor selling meat of a decidedly macabre nature. Story by Jeremy Scott Nichols. Art by Lautaro Capristo. In 100% WEIRD, a high school student endures daily bullying from other girls because of her androgynous appearance. She discovers a clandestine school club that exists to protect those like her from the ignorance of her fellow students. Story by Jeremy Scott Nichols. Art by Adrian Bago Gonzalez. The third story in this issue is PERPENDICULAR LIVES. It is for fans of surrealist art and ideas. A man lives apart from all the world, bound to the west side of buildings, unseen by all. He searches for any chance of love in this odd tale of romance. Story by Jeremy Scott Nichols. Art by J.C. Quattordio. Finally, in AIN”T AFRAID OF NOBODY, a woman and her boyfriend stumble across a battle between two mutant beasts while trying to experience a relaxing camping trip in the mountains. Will the couple survive, and—more importantly—what will her father think of her man afterward?
Vast Expanse is a multi-genre anthology published by Township Comics. It features short, complete stories by a variety of artists. They can be sci-fi, fantasy, high school drama, romance, or anything that comes to mind.
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IndyPlanet is a 01 Comics Inc. company. The IndyPlanet logo and mascots are TM and © 01 Comics Inc. All Right reserved. All comics images and graphics are TM and © the respective owners and are used with permission. Printing and Fulfillment by Ka-Blam Digital Printing.
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