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Argo 5 #39

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Argo 5 encounter The Renegades picking up from the later’s 3 issue mini-series published in 1986! Argo 5 must face-off with these indie heroes of yesteryear as the threat of the demon lord Malcifer looms over the multiverse!

Dan Sehn, Leo Gondim, Victor Raniery, Francisco Zamora

Standard Comic
Full Color
Page Count: 28

The Argo Comics Universes’ premier team of heroes handle challenges from the fantastic to the mundane. This issue”s pin-up section features art from Ken Lashley, Jerry Hinds, Emmshin, Jade Nebula, Leo Gondim, Jardel Cruz and Alex Garcia. This book also features the “Age of Heroes” cover by Leo Gondim and Teo Pinheiro and the “”Team Supreme” cover by John Lucas and Giuseppe Pica.


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