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Boy Explorers Comics Club

Jack Kirby, Doug Maxted, Pete Riss, Jack Keeler, John Devlin, Ken Riley

Standard Sized Trade Paperback
Black & White
Page Count: 100

Jack Kirby and Joe Simon’s Golden Age gang of junior journeymen who sail around the world with Commodore Sinbad in five fantastic tales of amazing action! Also included in this comic collection are tales of juvenile adventures including Dickon Neal, Archie O’Toole, Soapy Sam, Uncle Si, Pete, Cadet Danny Dixon, Boots, Waddles Wombat, Defective Detectives, Anthrop, Little Tommy, Piggy Grunter, Devil Doone, Rollo Of The Big Top, Dabs, and Val Blake. Plus amusing stories such as The Death Pearl, The House Next Door, plus Rachel And The Stranger.

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