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David William Daniel Thomas, Francesco Gerbino, Alessandro Buffa
Standard Comic
Full Color
Page Count: 28
In Hero’s Tale, Part 2 of 2 the origin story within a story continues as the complex and often contradictory origin of Osr S, the being who would become Hero, unfolds. In this issue, Earth Alpha comes under attack from the forces of the mysterious and malign Evolved Masters and Hero, its greatest champion, must stand alone to defend his world against the alien invaders and the assembled might of his companions in the Justice Battalion..but is any of it real? Moreover, if Osr S is Hero then who is the mysterious being know as Harrow? Guest starring Lady Liberty, Blue Beacon and the rest of the Justice Battalion as well as Dr. Karnak, Tut and the boy king, Hertsher. Comics most interesting syncretism continues as The Harrowing of MV4 continues to weave its unique and colorful tapestry of Genesis theology combined with Egyptian mythology, ancient astronaut conspiracy theory and elements of good old fashioned, Bronze age comic book storytelling.
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