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The Book Of Jonah


Standard Comic
Black & White
Page Count: 32

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A misanthropic savior, a Bizarro Jesus, a suicidal prophet whose love of God is matched only by his hatred of life, Jonah is one of the weirdest figures in the Bible, and weird things happen to him throughout the four-chapter book that is one of the best-known stories in the world. Called to preach to the sworn enemies of his people, Jonah listens to his own rage instead of to God—and the result is adventure on the high seas, several spiritual deaths, narration from the abode of the dead (which is also the womb), and general wackiness, only it’s wackiness with tens of thousands of lives at stake. Will love or hate win in Jonah’s heart? Will God spare Nineveh, or make with the smiting? How does a castor-oil plant figure in to all this? Find out!

This is the one where the guy gets swallowed by the whale. But that’s only the beginning in this comic packed with erudite commentary. It’s like two books in one!

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