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Land Of The Rats #1

I Am Soildweller

Mark Nasso

Standard Comic
Black & White
Page Count: 48

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Jack Natari has rescued his companions, Lord Kaai and the Princess Panduu, from the dungeon prison in Irisius. Riding for days across the Vastness of Blask they make camp in the wasteland a few leagues from the Citadel of Xiar. That night Lord Kaai tells Jack a tale from ancient Raelakite lore: “The Sojourn of the Soildweller.” The myth takes place in an ancient kingdom that is invaded by the evil “Sky Gods.” With their kingdom ravaged and their women abducted, a prince sets out on a journey to recover his bride from captivity and is forever changed in the process. Land of the Rats tells the story of Jack Natari, a hybrid rat-human from the nation of Raelak and his adventures after being exiled from Rat City. Wandering deep into the desolate Vastness of Blask, Jack meets many friends and foes, encounters strange beings and befriends the dragon Mephiliaxus who may hold the secret to Jack’s quest.

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