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New Guard #2

Andrew Lorenz, Kenan Halilovic

Standard Comic
Full Color
Page Count: 24

Previously in New Guard… The team had its first real field mission, raiding a warehouse crammed with illegal technology. Meanwhile, despite their efforts to remain a covert strike-force, pictures of their raid managed to make their way to the desk of Jessica Reyes, one of the lead investigative reporters for the Daily Tribune; Legacy’s tabloid newspaper known for exposing secrets, regardless of the consequences.

Ten years have passed since the debut of the hero known as Paragon, in the city of Legacy, that led to the Age of Heroes; a time of unparalleled discovery and adventure. Larger than life heroes with superhuman abilities, like those of ancient myth, battled villains and creatures that had only existed before in fiction. They stood watch against threats both from within and without. But no more. A great crisis struck down many of these powered defenders, and in the process much of the world’s population not only lost faith in their costumed heroes, but trust as well. Across the globe, many countries have passed laws banning the use of extra-human abilities. In some places the penalty for breaking those laws is death. Wanted or not, though, heroes are still needed. Now, perhaps, more than ever. The forces of evil do not concern themselves with the laws of men and a new age, an Age of Darkness is upon us. Recognizing this, the man known as Cross, has sought out and recruited a group of young superhumans to fight the war against the darkness that threatens to overrun the world. A New Guard rises to protect Earth and its citizens, no matter the cost.

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