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Pizza Boyz Season 1

Ever wanted to read a comic that had the thrills of a workout, with the laughs of a podcast and the nostalgia of an N64?.. Probably never crossed your mind till now. Well in Pizza Boyz, the sit-com styled comic goes into the fray of what is best in life. Creating martial arts movies with friends, finding the easy street way of making money until your podcast takes off, being cautious ofthat guy at the gym and utilizing the secret powers that Mario Kart holds. And of course, grabbing a slice of some good times pizza.

Spencer Scott Holmes

Standard Sized Trade Paperback
Black & White
Page Count: 128

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So, come on by and hang out with the ole gang. It’s just like you remember, only black and white. From Writer, Artist and Creator Spencer Scott Holmes host of Old Man Orange Podcast & cartoons like Walabie The Rabbit. With special guests, variant covers by Pete Berg of Paint It Black, Technical Dave Razi, Courtney Hahn, Ryan Dunigan & Laura Lopez.

When pizza is the driving force of your life, there’s Pizza Boyz. When video games become a way of existence, there’s Pizza Boyz. When you need a grand laugh after a hard day’s night, there’s Pizza Boyz. When its date night and Mario Kart is the right choice, there’s Pizza Boyz. When your favorite flicks always involve dinosaurs, there’s Pizza Boyz. You get the drill. Fun times to be had from the creator of internet favorites such as Walabie The Rabbit, Drunk Batman, and Robin The Animated Series and Old Man Orange Podcast. Watch him fall shamelessly into the comic medium with his funny books. So come on by and have a laugh with the gang in a sit com adventure, told in comic book form about living the multi-media life, playing games, having laughs, and enjoying some good ole fashioned Pizza. Created, Written and Illustrated By Spencer Scott Holmes Old Man Orange 2016 till Now

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